Friday, November 27, 2009

Dreaded day after…

Well, I did alot better yesterday than I would have guessed.

After loading up my plate full of Thanksgiving goodness, I was able to eat only a 1/3 of what I had.  I made sure to eat more turkey than anything. But, I managed at least a bite of everything. 

The Hubs, son and I went to the movies last night.  I think everyone around here had the same idea though.  After getting home late, I ate another roll and called it dinner.   

Today I am back on track.  Hubs and I went and worked out this morning.  An hour later I thought I was going to pass out dead.  I pushed myself more today than I have in the last few weeks.  It was nice to sweat and know that I am making myself a healthy person.   I managed to work some running in on my treadmill workout.  OH LORD, its been so long since my lard ass has ran.   I did some sprints and thought I was going off the back or I was going to die.   At the end of the 1 minute sprint, I really didnt care which came.

We are going to aim for 2 work outs today.  Although I may just pop in my Biggest Loser DVD and call that good!

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.  Back on track today!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I can not wait until tomorrow!  Stop counting calories and probably not working out!   LOL  Fat girl loves Thanksgiving!   

I think I finally fixed comments so that everyone can comment!  Look forward to hearing from you all!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fit together!

I am so happy that the hubby and kiddo have joined the fitness craze around here!

My husband has never wanted to “go workout” with me.  But now, him and Jay want to go every night!  Its fun to do it together.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Breaking up is hard to

I have always been a big girl. 

Do I want to be skinny? Hell Yes   But, that is not my motivating factor in my current journey to lose weight.   My health is my number 1 reason for trying to turn my life around and be a skinnier healthy person.

I was diagnosed with high blood pressure about 9 years ago.  I had a slew of heart problems at the time that pretty much kept me in the cardiologist office.   As soon as my b/p was under control, along came diabetes.

Being in my late 20’s, I blew everything off!   Out of sight, out of mind.  I quit taking all my meds.  I quit monitoring my blood pressure and my diabetes.   It was so much easier to eat whatever I wanted, when I wanted.  I didnt have to worry about taking pills, or giving myself injections everyday!

Soon after, my weight crept up to 240.  This was my heaviest.   I told everyone that I didnt care, I was going to be fat and happy.  But, I was miserable with it all.

November 2008 I was diagnosed with  complex atypical hyperplasia.   Face with the fact that I had a 60% chance of it turning into cancer I had a Hysterectomy in December.  When labs came back after surgery, it had already grew into cancer. I knew then that my life had to change.  I was put back on all my meds and tried again to lose weight.

That lasted a couple of months, and I was back where I started.   No meds.

Finally, I decided I would try this healthy thing again.  I had been eating less, moving more.  That was all I was doing.  No big fad diet.   My biggest thing was ditching my Dr Pepper.   Once I started drinking more water, I started losing more weight.  

So, I was down 25 pounds when it was time for our yearly insurance blood work.   I was pretty happy to see that change on the scale.   What I didn't like was my b/p was sky high.    It wasn't long and the company Dr called and wanted to see me asap.    I knew where this was going.

I was diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome.   From the American Heart Assoc.

The metabolic syndrome is characterized by a group of metabolic risk factors in one person. They include:

  • Abdominal obesity (excessive fat tissue in and around the abdomen)
  • Atherogenic dyslipidemia (blood fat disorders — high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol and high LDL cholesterol — that foster plaque buildups in artery walls)
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Insulin resistance or glucose intolerance (the body can’t properly use insulin or blood sugar)
  • Prothrombotic state (e.g., high fibrinogen or plasminogen activator inhibitor–1 in the blood)
  • Proinflammatory state (e.g., elevated C-reactive protein in the blood)

GULP!   Really, this is where my hard head got me!  Being stupid about my previous issues drove me into a pit of disease!    I started back on my normal b/p  and diabetes pills, plus cholesterol pill and a baby aspirin.

The Dr explained that my blood is fatty and my metabolism is in the tank.  So, once I was on the pills a while it would be a lot easier for me to lose weight!    Very Positive!  

I am down to 195 now.  My biggest thing is to eat my protein everyday.  Cutting back on carbs and fats is pretty rough.   But, so far that's where I am at. 

I am getting happy and healthy.   Down 45 pounds so far, and 45 to go!

Hoping that I can stick it out this time,  praying that I don't fall into the same rut as before.   

Friday, November 20, 2009

Where to start!

I have been thinking about starting a weight loss blog for a long time.  I need somewhere to go to write about my journey and not drive my poor husband nuts with all the diet talk.

Let me start by telling you a little about me.   My name is Amy,  I am 34 years old.  I live in Oklahoma.   I am fat.   I am also focused on getting fit and healthy and beating this battle of the bludge!

So, if you wanna read along, thats wonderful…  Lord knows I could use your support in this!