I have always been a big girl.
Do I want to be skinny? Hell Yes But, that is not my motivating factor in my current journey to lose weight. My health is my number 1 reason for trying to turn my life around and be a skinnier healthy person.
I was diagnosed with high blood pressure about 9 years ago. I had a slew of heart problems at the time that pretty much kept me in the cardiologist office. As soon as my b/p was under control, along came diabetes.
Being in my late 20’s, I blew everything off! Out of sight, out of mind. I quit taking all my meds. I quit monitoring my blood pressure and my diabetes. It was so much easier to eat whatever I wanted, when I wanted. I didnt have to worry about taking pills, or giving myself injections everyday!
Soon after, my weight crept up to 240. This was my heaviest. I told everyone that I didnt care, I was going to be fat and happy. But, I was miserable with it all.
November 2008 I was diagnosed with complex atypical hyperplasia. Face with the fact that I had a 60% chance of it turning into cancer I had a Hysterectomy in December. When labs came back after surgery, it had already grew into cancer. I knew then that my life had to change. I was put back on all my meds and tried again to lose weight.
That lasted a couple of months, and I was back where I started. No meds.
Finally, I decided I would try this healthy thing again. I had been eating less, moving more. That was all I was doing. No big fad diet. My biggest thing was ditching my Dr Pepper. Once I started drinking more water, I started losing more weight.
So, I was down 25 pounds when it was time for our yearly insurance blood work. I was pretty happy to see that change on the scale. What I didn't like was my b/p was sky high. It wasn't long and the company Dr called and wanted to see me asap. I knew where this was going.
I was diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome. From the American Heart Assoc.
The metabolic syndrome is characterized by a group of metabolic risk factors in one person. They include:
- Abdominal obesity (excessive fat tissue in and around the abdomen)
- Atherogenic dyslipidemia (blood fat disorders — high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol and high LDL cholesterol — that foster plaque buildups in artery walls)
- Elevated blood pressure
- Insulin resistance or glucose intolerance (the body can’t properly use insulin or blood sugar)
- Prothrombotic state (e.g., high fibrinogen or plasminogen activator inhibitor–1 in the blood)
- Proinflammatory state (e.g., elevated C-reactive protein in the blood)
GULP! Really, this is where my hard head got me! Being stupid about my previous issues drove me into a pit of disease! I started back on my normal b/p and diabetes pills, plus cholesterol pill and a baby aspirin.
The Dr explained that my blood is fatty and my metabolism is in the tank. So, once I was on the pills a while it would be a lot easier for me to lose weight! Very Positive!
I am down to 195 now. My biggest thing is to eat my protein everyday. Cutting back on carbs and fats is pretty rough. But, so far that's where I am at.
I am getting happy and healthy. Down 45 pounds so far, and 45 to go!
Hoping that I can stick it out this time, praying that I don't fall into the same rut as before.
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