Sunday, January 17, 2010

No greater feeling…

Today, I hit 190!   I am officially the weight I was when I was 16.   I now match my divers license!

I really had to giggle this morning when I seen that number.  I am loving the feeling of being a lighter, much healthier person.  

This week I plan on vamping up my workouts.  I want to do at least an hour of cardio three days a week.  Plus weight training 2-3 times a week.   I really have to work on my gut.  So, crunches everyday.  

Well, thats really all I have going on here.   Boring wife, mother duties today.  You know, laundry, dinner, being lazy :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Becoming myself

Recently I have been feeling like a new person.

I must admit, I have never been happy with myself.  I have a horrible self image and that drug me down for a long time.  

At times, I would get so depressed that I would sulk for days.  I hated everything about myself.  I was unhealthy and out of control.  I would tell myself that I was just going to be “fat and happy” and basically eat whatever in the hell I wanted to.   Then, every now and then, I would get on a healthy bandwagon and lose 20 or 30 pounds.  I never lost enough to get skinny. I lost enough to feel a little better.  I would get so tired of eating crappy low fat food and working out that I would go back to my old habits.

I am noticing huge changes in my body.  I have collar bones now.  I havent seen them in years!   I am down to a size 12 jeans, wearing lose fitting XL shirts.  I am enjoying shopping for clothes now. 

I am not in this to be super model skinny.. I am in this to look and feel better about myself.  I am 35 years old and damnit its time for me to feel good about myself.   I am doing this for me..and me only.

I am not starving myself, and I am not taking diet pills.  There isnt a miracle drug that is just melting away the pounds.  I am doing it the hard way.  Blood, sweat and tears.  This is my life now.  A life that I will be proud of and will finally be happy with.

Monday, January 4, 2010

I’m such a slacker!

You could say that I fell off the wagon.  Or, you could say that I just didnt care.  Either way, you would be right!   The last couple of weeks, I ate what I want and didnt move my butt much.  That was fine with me, I was celebrating and didnt care.

Imagine my surprise when I actually lost weight!   I am thrilled and worried at the same time.  If I can sit on my ass and lose weight, but if I exercise I dont lose a damn thing.

UGH blogger hates me tonight, again!   I keep losing what I type. 

Anyway,   I have been back on track.  I am down to 192 and very happy with that!   At least I am not moving back toward 200!   Tomorrow I plan on working out.  Tonight is my last night of vacation and I am enjoying it!